Pre and Post analytical system.
Build your own system
The system allows to automate all the pre- and post- analytical tasks.
Pick the ones you need to fit in your lab!

Sample check-in reception.

LIS comunication. Customizable software rules.

Sorts tubes to analyser racks.

Primary tube validation, patterns search.

Decaps tubes selectively.

Tube generator. Generates secondary tubes for aliquoting.

Full automates the aliquoting process.

The pipetting robot can dispense sample to a microplate.

Recaps tubes with a cap.

Easy location, traceability.

up to 500 tubes/h

up to 1.000 tubes/h

Centrifuge throughput:
300 tubes/h
Improves workflow and performance.
Increases productivity, efficiency and facilitates the daily routine.
Frees teams up for high-value work.
Minimizes errors decapping, labelling, aliquoting, recapping and manual sorting.
Increases biosafety, since no sample is manipulated.

Current projects
AQUA System with the new IDR module and HEPA filter.
The Aqua System is always improving and offering new options to laboratories. The IDR module (Intelligent Decapper Recapper) is installed in the pipetting area. The pipetting area is isolated with a plate minimizing the openings. The aerosols that may come off when the tube is open, are aspirated by the HEPA filter. The samples are only opened in the pipetting zone, minimizing the risk of contamination. All the air is aspirated and filtered by the HEPA filter. The negative pressure in this area doesn’t let the air go out the pipetting zone. This ensures a clean and a safe space.
Installation with multiple AQUA and Manual Stations all connected with AQUALink.
Installation with multiple AQUA systems and Manual Stations all connected with AQUALink. The information of all systems is shared and only 1 LIS interface is needed. Manual Station is used for REGISTRATION and SORTING of samples in different types of container. User friendly interface with minimum “clicks” to manage the registration and sorting of samples. All kind of sample containers can be easyly managed with the Manual Sorting Station. AQUALink database manages all samples and gives you complete traceability using only one LIS interface (Host Query with the LIS).
AQUA supports the process of preparing the Covid-19 tests.
The laboratories of the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (CDB, Centre de Diagnòstic Biomèdic), asked if we could be able to fill a special type of tubes with some liquid, to help the process of preparing the Covid-19 tests with PCR. If possible, we could adapt the current AQUA7000 system working in the Sample Reception zone of their laboratories.
We started our software (mainly, as it needs to reverse the usual behavior of the system) and firmware modifications where needed. After some testing, in 3 days we were starting the tests in the lab.