CUBE S, the heart of the laboratory without TLA

CUBE S, the heart of the laboratory without TLA May 2024 The laboratory of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona is known for providing an excellent service thanks to the automation of its processes and the traceability of the samples processed in it. Twenty years ago, it was a pioneer in integrating full automation into its Core laboratory through Bayer Diagnostics. This first automated chain (TLA) was in use for more than ten years, until it … Read more

Innovation is about changing the rules.

We are glad to show you the new eRACK! We are changing the use of racks in the laboratory flow. There are many advantages of the new eRACK. Can be directly load, as input and output racks. There is no need to manipulate the samples. It is easy to built and the user can build up when needed. The eRACK is customizable. There is the possibility to customize the eRACK with your company logo and … Read more

Amazing KAIZEN at NGNY!

Thinking outside the box, deep value stream analysis and hard teamwork to implement the necessary changes that will elevate the factory to its future needs. A new era is coming!

High-tech 3D printing gives us an agile and flexible way to find solutions.

High-tech 3D printing gives us an agile and flexible way to find SOLUTIONS! In this case, the lab in the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona asked for a way to standardize their process of composing 96 position plates as the first step in the PCR Covid-19 testing. The challenge was that many different types of tubes coming from the sample extraction needed to be transferred to plates of 96 positions. We’ve built 4 adapters for 24 tubes so that the #Opentrons system … Read more

AQUA supports the process of preparing the Covid-19 tests

Last week we received a call from the head of the laboratories of the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (CDB, Centre de Diagnòstic Biomèdic), asking if we could be able to fill a special type of tubes with some liquid, to help the process of preparing the Covid-19 tests with PCR. If possible, we could adapt the current AQUA7000 system working in the Sample Reception zone of their laboratories. After getting to the detail we proposed a modification … Read more

NGNY awarded with the PIMEC JOVES award

NGNY Devices has been the winner of the “PIMEC Joves” award for the best “young” business initiative in Catalonia, in the award ceremony of the 31st edition of “Premis Pimes” organized by the PIMEC management and which took place on the 10th of October.