AQUA supports the process of preparing the Covid-19 tests

Last week we received a call from the head of the laboratories of the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (CDB, Centre de Diagnòstic Biomèdic), asking if we could be able to fill a special type of tubes with some liquid, to help the process of preparing the Covid-19 tests with PCR. If possible, we could adapt the current AQUA7000 system working in the Sample Reception zone of their laboratories. After getting to the detail we proposed a modification … Read more

Installation of an AQUA8000 System in Austria

NGNY has recently installed an AQUA8000 device in the Laboratory of Dr. Berghold in Graz (Austria). This system has been configured and customized to fit the lab needs, in order to have an efficient flow of samples and a complete traceability at any time. When samples arrive to the lab they are loaded in the input areas of the system which selectively decaps and sorts the sample tubes in the analyzers racks (mainly Atellica Solution racks, Beckman AU racks and Hematology … Read more

Installation of an AQUA8000 in Rome

NGNY has installed an AQUA8000 with the optional modules decapper (DKP) and recapper (RKP), in the USI AXA Laboratory in Rome. The C8000 module increase the sample input rate, the DKP device decaps the primary tubes and the RKP device recaps the aliquots, avoiding the manipulation of the samples and minimizing the risks in biosecurity. The AQUA System automates the pre-analytic activities that were completely manual until now. This allows its users to focus on … Read more

Installation of an AQUA7000 with microplate aliquoting in Madrid

NGNY has recently installed an AQUA7000 device in the laboratory of the Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid. This device has three optional dispositives: decapper (DKP), recapper (RKP) and aliquoting microplate system. The DKP and RKP modules speeds up all the laboratory workflows and minimizes biohazard risks. The microplate aliquoting system allows the creation of a serum bank, where the micro-samples are frozen for long storage.

AQUA System: First installations in Italy, Portugal and France.

In recent months, NGNY has launched its first devices in Italy, Portugal and France. These equipments will allow the optimization of pre and post analytical workflows in laboratories. It stands out that the device in Padova (Italy) is the first that NGNY installs in the laboratory of a veterinary centre.

Installation of an AQUA8000 System in VIGO

NGNY has installed the first of two AQUA8000 devices that will be installed in the laboratories of the Do Meixoeiro Hospital in Vigo. This device has two optional dispositives: decapper (DKP) and recapper (RKP). The C8000 module and the DKP module, that decaps the primary tubes, increases the samples’ entry speed, and also speeds up all the laboratory works. This is especially important in this hospital, because this laboratory has one of the longest automated … Read more

AQUA7000: New installation in Orihuela (Alicante)

NGNY has recently installed an AQUA7000 device in the laboratory of the Hospital Vega Baja in Orihuela, province of Alicante. The AQUA7000 provides the automation of jobs that until now were totally manual, which allows its users to focus on tasks of greater added value. Some of the improvements are: The precise aliquoter, which aliquots the sample tubes, minimizing manual pipetting errors. The sorter, which allows to automatically archive the processed and validated samples in real … Read more

Training courses for AQUA system technicians.

NGNY has held three new training sessions for technical assistance engineers. These courses, which are carried out at our facilities, explain the technical and operating principles of AQUA system. It learns to configure the database and the adjustable parameters. It also explains the preventive maintenance actions and troubleshooting management. In our editions of February, April and May, we have assisted technical staff from all over the country: Murcia, Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Santander, Santiago, Malaga and Cordoba.

Installation of an AQUA8000 device in CERBA.

NGNY has installed an AQUA8000 device in CERBA laboratory, in Sabadell, to optimize the archiving of the biochemical tubes that finish their route through the automated chain. The system has a production of 1.000 tubes per hour, and classifies the samples depending on whether they have pending determinations, or not. If the tubes are finished, they become classified in a specific plate of the laboratory that allows storing the maximum of samples in the minimum … Read more